About Me

Cardiff / Caerdydd, Wales / Cymru, United Kingdom
Working for better public engagement in Welsh public services. Gweithio ar gyfer ymgysylltiad cyhoeddus gwell yng ngwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymreig.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

When the going gets tough / Beth i’w wneud pan mae pethau’n mynd yn anodd?

This workshop from Alain Thomas looked at developing participants’ confidence and ability to respond to several types of difficult situations they may encounter in meetings, or in group discussions that they may run as part of an engagement process.

Participants looked at:
  • the facilitation skills needed to respond to difficult situations
  • a range of techniques to reduce disagreement and promote consensus within a group
  • longer term responses to the kind of deeply ingrained barriers to engagement that may create difficult situations
A handout produced for the session can be found here.

Edrychodd y gweithdy yma o Alain Thomas i ddatblygu hyder a gallu’r cyfranogwyr i ymateb i nifer o wahanol sefyllfaoedd anodd y gallant ddod ar eu traws mewn cyfarfodydd, neu mewn trafodaethau grŵp a drefnir ganddynt fel rhan o broses ymgysylltu.

Edrychodd y cyfranogwyr ar:
  • sgiliau hwyluso i ymateb i sefyllfaoedd anodd
  • amryw o dechnegau er mwyn lleihau anghytundeb a hybu consensws o fewn grŵp
  • ymatebion tymor hir posibl i’r math o rwystrau cynhenid rhag ymgysylltu a all arwain at sefyllfaoedd anodd
Gallwch ffeindio taflen a greuwyd ar gyfer y gweithdy yma.

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