About Me

Cardiff / Caerdydd, Wales / Cymru, United Kingdom
Working for better public engagement in Welsh public services. Gweithio ar gyfer ymgysylltiad cyhoeddus gwell yng ngwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymreig.

Friday 8 July 2011

Starting Small / Dechrau’n Fach

Heulwen Blackmore from Care and Social Services Inspectorate for Wales (CSSIW) provided a case study of “growing” an engagement strategy and how this helped influence positive, sustainable change in the organisation.

Participants then had the opportunity to identify an approach to building an engagement strategy, identify solutions to the barriers preventing effective engagement and recognise the influence and benefits service user /stakeholder engagement can have on organisation wide systems and processes.
Fe wnaeth Heulwen Blackmore o Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru (AGGCC) arddangos astudiaeth achos o “tyfu” strategaeth ymgysylltu a sut gwnaeth hyn helpu i ddylanwadu ar newid positif a chynaliadwy o fewn y mudiad.

Cafodd cyfranogwyr y cyfle i ganfod dull o adeiladu strategaeth ymgysylltu, canfod atebion a’r rhwystrau sy’n rhwystro ymgysylltiad effeithiol ac i adnabod y dylanwad a budd gall ymgysylltu gyda defnyddwyr / rhanddeiliaid cael ar systemau a phrosesau mudiad cyfan.

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