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Cardiff / Caerdydd, Wales / Cymru, United Kingdom
Working for better public engagement in Welsh public services. Gweithio ar gyfer ymgysylltiad cyhoeddus gwell yng ngwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymreig.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Community Voice / Lleisiau Lleol

Graham Brand from the Big Lottery Fund spoke about the Community Voice programme, which is making £12 million available to support citizens to have a greater influence over policies and decisions affecting their community. Applications will be led by County Voluntary Councils, who will develop portfolios of between 5 and 10 community-led projects in their area. Each project will help local communities to have their voices heard.

The programme aims to build the capacity of citizens to engage in planning and running services and projects that respond to their communities’ needs.

All projects will be expected to meet at least two of the following short-term outcomes:
  • a greater number of citizens are able to influence policy and decisions about services in their community
  • communities and service providers work together to design and deliver improved services
  • communities have an increased capacity to conceive and deliver better services and projects
And both of the following long-term outcomes before the end of the project:
  • improved engagement and participation in the community
  • citizen’s report improved delivery of services, which meet their needs more effectively
You can acces the slides from Graham’s presentation below.
Siaradodd Graham Brand o’r Gronfa Loteri Fawr amdano rhaglen Lleisiau Lleol, sydd yn gwneud £12 miliwn ar gael i gefnogi dinasyddion gael mwy o ddylanwad dros bolisïau a phenderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar eu cymuned.  Caiff ceisiadau eu harwain gan Gynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol, a fydd yn datblygu portffolios o rhwng 5 a 10 o brosiectau a arweinir gan y gymuned yn eu hardal.  Bydd pob prosiect yn helpu cymunedau lleol i ddweud eu dweud. 

Nod y rhaglen yw meithrin gallu dinasyddion i gymryd rhan mewn cynllunio a rhedeg gwasanaethau a phrosiectau sy’n ymateb i anghenion eu cymunedau. 

Bydd disgwyl i bob prosiect fodloni o leiaf ddau o’r canlyniadau tymor byr canlynol:
  • mwy o ddinasyddion yn gallu dylanwadu ar bolisïau a phenderfyniadau am wasanaethau yn eu cymuned
  • cymunedau a chyflenwyr gwasanaethau yn cydweithio i ddylunio a darparu gwell gwasanaethau
  • gallu cynyddol gan gymunedau i synio a chyflenwi gwell gwasanaethau a phrosiectau
A’r ddau ganlyniad hirdymor canlynol cyn diwedd y prosiect:
  • gwell ymgysylltiad a chyfranogiad yn y gymuned
  • adroddiad dinasyddion yn gwella’r broses o gyflenwi gwasanaethau, sy’n diwallu eu hanghenion yn fwy effeithiol
Gallwch cyrchu cyflwyniad Graham uchod.

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