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Cardiff / Caerdydd, Wales / Cymru, United Kingdom
Working for better public engagement in Welsh public services. Gweithio ar gyfer ymgysylltiad cyhoeddus gwell yng ngwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymreig.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Turning a problem into an opportunity / Troi problem yn gyfle

Kelly Daniel and Helen Green from See Change at Interlink used their workshop to support learners to deal with problems and give them participatory tools that they could use in the field.

Participants were asked to talk about the problems they face, and their peers were encouraged to support and offer their expertise.

A selection of participatory activities were used that they could use back in their field of work. These included the Brick Wall, Problem Trees and Speak Outs, details of which can be found in the below presentation.

Defnyddiodd Kelly Daniel a Helen Green o See Change yn Interlink y gweithdy yma i gynorthwyo cyfranogwyr i ddelio â phroblemau ac awgrymu dulliau cyfranogol y gallant eu defnyddio yn y maes.

Roedd yna drafodaeth lle gofynnir i’r cyfranogwyr sôn am y problemau a brofwyd ganddynt, ac fe wnaeth eu cymheiriaid eu hannog i’w cynorthwyo ac i rannu eu harbenigedd.

Cafodd detholiad o weithgareddau cyfranogi eu defnyddio, ac fe wnaeth hyn galluogi cyfranogwyr i’w defnyddio yn eu gwaith yn y dyfodol. Roedd y rhain yn cynnwys Wal Bricsen, Coed Problem a ‘Speak Outs’.  Gallwch ffeindio manylion ar rain yn y cyflwyniad uchod.

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